Friday, 26 January 2018

2018 Training Schedule for Term 1

Hi everyone,

You may find term 1 training schedule as well as competition dates and details in the link below:

2018 Training Schedule for Term 1

Do note that we will cancel 2 friday's training (2 Feb & 9 Feb) as most of us will be out for competition or have lesson.

All the best!


  1. Al the best to 2018 Training.
    I am avid badminton fan.
    Badminton a beautiful sport which is a great fitness activity and the fastest court action in the world with the shuttle cork traveling at 300kmph.

    Teacher Wong
    Local Sales Offer

  2. Hey, thanks for the schedule. many of my friends want to join this training this year. Please guide us on how to enroll and how to become the part of this badminton training.

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