Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Final note for Year 2015

This will be my final post for the year of 2015.
I believe it had been an eventful year for all of us, both the teachers and the students.

First, I would like to say farewell to our graduating players;

Sandy, Lea, Samantha, Puala, Li Xuan, Qian Xiu, Xiang Min, Ponni, Tanish, Xavier, Joshua, Evans, Rhui Qing, Sam, Wen Zhong, Cheng Yang, Zhi Wei, Jian Kai, Heng Yi, Matthias and Lu Tong.

Thank you for your contributions to the team.

Second, I would like to say welcome again to our new players who have joined our team this year;

Fiona, Siti, Nevin, Zhong Soon, Maisarah, Amiratul, Cidrick, Bryan, Dharshak, Zuriel, Manying, Fitri, Qing Li, Ke Xin, Zoey, Cheng Xian, Marc, Yan Liang, Jiet Yi.

Thank you for choosing Badminton as your CCA.

Third, I would like to give my recognition to our existing players;

Pui Woon, Sabrina, Jason, Yi Sheng, Wei Wen, Bradley, Val, Nisha, Xhi Chun, Si Ying, Ching Han, Dinesh, Yixin, Wendy, Joshua Teng, Martin, Elaine, 'Ain, Shao Xian, Kevin and Rahul.

Thank you for staying with the team.

And yes, Vishnu, If you are reading this, We all miss you. Do send us a post card to update us on how you are doing ok?

Forth, I would like to thank the teachers and coaches for administering the CCA and training of our players.

Mdm Rafilah, Ms Quek, Mrs Yeo, Mr Phua,
Coach Welly, Coach Zhi Cay, Coach Bryan, Coach Dini

Thank you for all the time and effort that all of you have put into the team to it a better team.

Fifth, I would like to recap on the events for year 2015.

For our CCA,
We had our first CCA photo shoot.

For competition,
We had the West Zone Inter-school Championship, Wee Kim Wee Badminton Challenge and Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

For friendly matches,
We had with Evergreen Sec, St. Gabriel Sec (Away) and St. Gabriel Sec (Home)

For school events,
We had the CCA Fair, Principal challenge, Sports carnival and Open house.

Sixth, I would like to update on some of the events that is going to happen in the Semester 1 Term 1 of Year 2016.

Looking forward, upcoming events will include,
  • CCA Banner ~new!
  • CCA Fair
  • Secondary 1 Orientation Programme ~new!
  • Badminton T-shirt for Year 2016
  • Preparation for West Zone Inter-school Badminton Championship
  • West Zone Inter-school Badminton Championship

Lastly, I would like to share with all of you about my thoughts on Training.

Having been to a number of competitions and also umpired for quite a number of matches, I have seen my fair share of badminton players.

From going to competition,
I notice that schools like River Valley, Commonwealth, Kranji and Nanyang Girls, all have one thing in common and that is they never fails to end up the top 4 of the west zone.

And from umpiring their matches,
I notice that their players almost always beat their opponent from other school with ease.

I know that it is definitely not the case of their players having an unfair advantage because I was the umpire for the match. I did the shuttle toss myself, both players started off with a zero score.

After a while, I figure that it actually boils down to training.
It is the type of training that the player subject him/ herself to that have created the gap, be it the in of mental focus or physical endurance.

It is the type of training that a player subject him/ herself to.
Therefore, as a competitive team player, we must take our training seriously.
Therefore, for next year,

You are going to try your best to attend every training that is being planned you.

You are going to train more at on your own at home.

You are going to take your training more seriously!

Happy New Year and I will all of you back in school on the 4th of January 2016.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Ashaway 2015 - 4th Day and Final update on Ashaway 2015

Hi all, here is a quick update on the third day of Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

On the fourth day (Wed),
We had the following players who played.

GDU14 Nisha & Val @1400 (lose)
GDU16 Wendy & Lixuan @1330 (lose)

Final update on Ashaway 2015

I apologise for not being able to see the matches that are being played on the 3rd and 4th day as I had to attend to the new secondary 1 registration. Therefore, my comment will be based on the 1st and 2nd day.

On the 1st day, we made our trip to Pasir Ris sports and recreational centre as a team + Yanliang. About half of the team (Jason, Manying, Sabrina, Yixin, Kevin, Rahul, Xhi Chun, Cidrick, 'Ain & Lea) were scheduled to play on the 1st day. The other half of the team (Puiwoon, Val, Nisha, Dinesh, Wendy, Lixuan, Yanliang, Bryan, Chengxian & Siying) stayed to support even though they were not scheduled for any match.

Most of the matches on the 1st day were loses but like what I mentioned on the previous post. We need to be able to rise above the mentality of only winning and losing to look at the bigger picture. Look back and reflect on the match that you had, be it a win or a lost. Discover both your strengths and weaknesses.

On the 2nd day, I saw Puiwoon, Sabirna, Jason, Val and  Fiona who came to support their teammates even though they were not schedule for any match for the day.

We had a mixture of wins, loses and BYE.

Then on the 3rd and 4th day, we had mostly loses.

By being in a tournament, putting yourself in a competitive environment, in a match, it is inevitable to end up with a winner and a loser. People will definitely ask about your wins and loses after a match and you can't stop people from asking or talking about it. That, you cannot control.

What you can control is that to the best of your abilities, you prepare yourself for your match, give your very best during your match, spend time to really reflect on what you did well and what you did wrong after the match and focus on training that will make yourself a better player. That is the most important thing.

Ashaway 2015 is now over for us.

I hope that at the end of the tournament, all of you to be able to tell yourself that;

"Yes, I may not have won even a match in the tournament, 
But I am not disheartened,
because from the tournament I had gained experience,
And that had helped me understand myself better,
I am going overcome my weaknesses,
It is not going to be easy from now onward,
But I know I have got a team that is going to be there for me when I need it."

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Ashaway 2015 - 3rd Day

Hi all, here is a quick update on the third day of Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

On the third day (Tue),
We had the following players who played.

BSU14 Cheng Xian @1030 (lose)
BSU14 Bryan @1030 (lose)
BSU16 Li Xin @1200 (lose)
BSU16 Xhi Chun @1200 (lose)
BSU16 Cidrick @1200 (lose)

GDU14 Siying & Puiwoon @1330 (lose)
GDU14 Nisha & Val @1400 (win)

For tomorrow (Wed),
We will have the following players playing.

GDU14 Nisha & Val @1400
GDU16 Wendy & Lixuan @1330

Monday, 21 December 2015

Ashaway 2015 - 2nd Day

Hi all, here is a quick update on the second day of Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

On the second day (Mon),
We had the following players who played.

BSU14 Cheng Xian @ 1030 (win)
BSU14 Bryan @1100 (win)
BSU14 Dinesh @1200 (lose)
BSU16 Li Xin @1330 (BYE)
BSU16 Xhi Chun @1330 (BYE)
BSU16 Cidrick @1400 (win)

At this point of time, I would like to share a little bit about what I feel about our matches so far.

From my perspective, I actually view all your matches as a "performance" that is put up by you for your teammates, coaches and teachers to see, the fruits of your training and I can say that I really enjoyed some of your performance be it winning or losing.

A lot of people may see winning as something positive and losing as something negative but to me, winning is neither all good nor losing a match is all bad and both experiences are equally important for the growth of a team or an individual. In fact, there are actually much to be learnt and discovered from losing a match. Therefore, as a team or an individual, we need to be able to rise above the mentality of only winning and losing to look at the bigger picture.

We may not be able to take home the cash prize and trophy for Ashaway yet but I do sincerely hope that all the participants of this year's Ashaway will be able to take home at least one valuable lesson or experience to help you understand more about both your strength and weakness so that you can become a better player the next time I see you "perform" and I really look forward to it.

So, always remember to stay focus and discipline for your training.

For tomorrow (Tue),
We will have the following players playing.

BSU14 Cheng Xian @1030
BSU14 Bryan @1030
BSU16 Li Xin @1200
BSU16 Xhi Chun @1200
BSU16 Cidrick @1200

GDU14 Siying & Puiwoon @1330
GDU14 Nisha & Val @1400

For the following players,

GDU16 Wendy & Lixuan

Your first match is scheduled on Wednesday @1330.

For tomorrow (Tue) and the day after tomorrow (Wed),
I will not be able to watch the performance that these players has put up because I am required to go back to school to prepare and administer the 2016 Sec 1 registration.

Fixtures had been updated for GDU14 and GDU16

Please check.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Ashaway 2015 - 1st Day

Hi all, here is a quick update on the Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

For the first day,
We had the following players who played.

BSU14 Jason (lose)
GSU14 Manying (lose)
GSU14 Sabrina (lose)
BSU16 Yixin (BYE)
BSU16 Kevin (lose)
BSU16 Rahul (lose)
BSU16 Xhi Chun (win)
BSU16 Cidrick (BYE)
GDU16 'Ain & Lea (lose)

For the tomorrow,
We will have the following players playing.

BSU14 Cheng Xian @ 1030
BSU14 Bryan @1100
BSU14 Dinesh @1200
BSU16 Li Xin @1330
BSU16 Xhi Chun @1330
BSU16 Cidrick @1400

For the following players,

GDU14 Si Ying & Pui Woon.
GDU14 Nisha & Val
GDU16 Wendy & Lixuan

The date and time of your first match is not out yet due to BYE but it will very likely be on Tuesday (22/12/15). I think the organisers will be updating the match fixture on their official website soon. In the meantime, please refer to the official website for the latest update.

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Pasir Ris Sports & Recreation Centre

For those who have never been to Pasir Ris Sports & Recreation Centre, here is a video footage of the venue I found on YouTube. We will be playing in the hall that is shown from 1:22 to 1:33.

After looking at the video, don't you think it will be a waste to go all the way there and not try their swimming facilities? Anyway, I will be bringing my swimming stuffs along for tomorrow. Feel free to bring yours if you want to.

Entrance fee for the swimming complex are as follows,

Adult: $2
Child: $1

Friday, 18 December 2015

Update on Ashaway 2015

The fixtures for this Sunday is out.
Please refer to the official website to check.

Please also take note that there are quite a number of BYE on the first day of the competition. So, some of you may not be required to play on Sunday but, we still be going together as a team for the opening ceremony on Sunday.

Transportation has long already been booked for the team for the opening ceremony, therefore, attendance is compulsory.
Details are as follows,

Date: 20th Dec 2015
Day: Sunday
Time: 0720
Pick up location: Outside school main gate.

Remember to start preparing yourself physically and mentally for your upcoming match!

*And also, please bring along your Ez-link on Sunday for verification.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Extra training for Ashaway (No coach)

I have managed to book 2 extra training sessions next week to help keep your engines running for the upcoming Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.

Training session 1
Date: 15/12/2015 (Tue)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Location MPH

Training session 2
Date: 16/12/2015 (Wed)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Location MPH

Please note that these practice sessions are not compulsory for all to attend and no coach will be around during the practice sessions. The MPH is simply being booked for you guys to train on your own or with your buddies to better prepare yourself for Ashaway.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Update on Ashaway 2015

There is two important updates for Ashaway in this post.

A. Due to low number of entries, the [Girls Single Under 16 Category] has been cancelled. 

Players affected:
1. Sandy
2. 'Ain

* I'm trying to get the organisers to slot both of you into the [Girls Double Under 16 Category] as a team now. Waiting for their response....

** The organisers had agreed to slot both of you into the [Girls Double Under 16 Category].

B. The list of registered names are out on the Ashaway official website.

Please do me a favor and go and check that your name is on the list.


According to the website, the fixture will be out soon.
So please stay tune...

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Update on Ashaway 2015

This is a follow up post for the confirmation of registration from the organiser.
All the names that we had submitted have been registered.

Next up will be the arrangement for our trip to the opening ceremony.

This event is compulsory for all players who are representing the school for Ashaway 2015.
Players who are not registered for Ashaway 2015 are welcomed to support your peers.

Event: Opening ceremony of 2015 Ashaway Badminton Youth Games
Date: 20th December 2015 (Sunday)
Reporting time: 0720
Reporting venue: Shuqun Secondary School (Outside main gate)*

*School will not be opened on that day, so the bus will be picking us up outside the main gate.

Please note,
1. This is a one-way transport, so you will need to plan how you are going to go home after your match.
2. Some of your matches may be in the afternoon, so please bring your money for lunch.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Ashaway Badminton Youth Games 2015

Here are the list of players that has been registered for Ashaway Badminton Youth Games 2015.

Sandy 4/B
'Ain 3/3
Kevin 3/A
Rahul 3/B
Sabrina 2/5
Dinesh 2/C
Jason 2/3
Xhi Chun 2/B
Cidrick 1/2
Fiona 1/1
Bryan 1/A
Cheng Xian 1/C

Wendy 3/4 + Lixuan 4A
Val 2/B + Nisha 2/C
Si Ying 2/A + Pui Woon 2/5

I have added a new page for the links to official competition website for you guys to access the official competition website for the latest update.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Registration for Ashaway

The deadline to register for Ashaway is on the 21st of Nov 2015.

Please refer to the website for more details.!registration/c1c9t

So, tomorrow is the last day to send in your registration because it will take 3 days for the mail to reach the company.

Please check with your parents that you will not be going overseas during the period of 10th -23rd Dec (Preliminaries) and 29th and 30th Dec (semi-final and final).

Friday, 6 November 2015

Girls training for 12th Nov (Thu) will be cancelled.

Sorry girls, I have to cancel training for Girls' Team on 12th Nov because I need to prepare for my class's graduation ceremony in the morning, invigilation for O'level in the afternoon and attend my class's graduation ceremony in the evening.

As for the boys, our friendly match (HOME) VS St. Gabriel is still on.
For students who are stuck in the student leader camp, please come and look for me for your excuse letter so that you can be excused from the camp to join the team for the friendly match.

Please refer to the 'page' section for the latest training schedule.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Training schedule for Term 4 completed

All timing and venue have been confirmed.

Please refer to "2015 term 4 training schedule" under the page section for the latest training schedule.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Training Schedule Update

As of now, the training schedule is still being updated.

  • Friendly match (HOME) with St. Gabriel have been shifted back to start at 1.15pm and ends at 5.15pm.

To my grimace, I still hear people mentioning that they do not know how to access the "page" section for the latest training schedule and their only means of finding out when will be the next training is by a picture taken from Whatsapp from "I DON"T KNOW SINCE WHEN" and by "DON'T KNOW WHO"!

Now, imagine my face like this

Please...... If you don't know, please ASK!

I really do not want any one of you to report one morning to school for badminton one day and realise that there is no training for that day. or worse still, training is in the afternoon.

Video on Movement training

Hi all,

while I was researching on badminton training technique,
I fell upon this video on Movement training and would like to share with all of you.

Please spend some time to look at the video.

The video focuses on the technique of always going back to the center and pushing yourself towards the direction of the shuttle that is coming back to you.

This technique, employed together with aiming at the empty spaces when returning the shuttle technique can be a very deadly combination when during a match.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Training schedule update

All of you are to refer to the Noticeblog for the latest version of the training schedule.

There is a reason why I added a completion percentage at the back of the post!

Do not simply take a photo of the training schedule and hope that it will not change.

Please check the Noticeblog the night before training for the confirmed venue and time, at least until it is 100% completed.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Extra: 2015 Sports Carnival pictures

Since it involves badminton, here are some of the pictures taken from the recent sports carnival.

Sports carnival (badminton) for Sec 2 Girls

Sports leaders helping out with the scoring

Pui Woon and Sabrina

3rd Runner up, Class 2/5

2nd Runner up, Class 2/C

1st Runner up. Class 2/A

Champion, 2/B

Group photo

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Arrangement for the Girls' Team on the 29th Oct and 12th Nov

On the 29th Oct and the 12th Nov,

the Girls' Team will have training in the school's ISH.
the timing for the training will be from 0800 to 1100.

whereas on the 29th Oct, the Boys' Team will be going out to St. Gabriel for their friendly (AWAY) in the afternoon.

And on the 12th Nov, the Boys' Team will be in school for their friendly (HOME) in the afternoon.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Friendly Match (AWAY) with St. Gabriel Secondary School

On the 29th Oct (Thu),

We will be having a friendly match with St. Gabriel Secondary School @ St. Gabriel Secondary School to kick start our December Holiday Training.

The plan for that day will be as follows,
  • 0720 h - Report in Shuqun (Outside General Office)
  • 0730 h - Bus to St. Gabriel
  • 0830 h - Warm up
  • 0900 h - Start friendly match
  • 1200 h - End friendly match
  • 1230 h - Bus back to Shuqun
  • 1330 h - Dismiss from Shuqun
Please note that, the timing has been changed to afternoon instead of morning to accommodate for the remedial and bridging programme in the morning.
  • 1120 h - Report in Shuqun Sec (Outside general office)
  • 1130 h - Bus to St. Gabriel Sec
  • 1230 h - Warm up
  • 1300 h - Start friendly match
  • 1600 h - End friendly match
  • 1630 h - Bus back to Shuqun Sec
  • 1730 h - Dismiss from Shuqun Sec

St. Gabriel Sec is an all-boys school, so only the boys will be going.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

2015 December Holiday Training Schedule (80% completed)

Dear players,

2015 December Holiday Training Schedule has been updated.
It is still not 100% completed because we are still in the process of looking for training venue for some of the days.

Please take note that, all the dates are confirmed and I will need all of your help to check with your parents about the following matter.

Instructions for players:
  1. Please check with your parents if you will be going overseas or something planned for you this holiday.
  2. If yes, please check if it clashes with any of our training dates.
  3. Please ask your parent to write a letter to inform us about the dates that you will be able to attend training for our record. 
  4. Pass the letter to me personally by the last day of school. (23rd Oct 2015)
+Also, please remember to include a contact number. Thank you.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Update: Year-End-Retreat to be put on hold

Dear students,

I hope all of your are studying hard and making your final preparations for your End of Year Exam.

This post is to inform all of you that the Year-End-Retreat (Trampoline Park) that I have mentioned will be on hold until further notice.

We are trying to make the retreat a meaningful one for the team and

As a lot of administration is required for the arrangement for this End-Year-Retreat and I really seek your understanding, patience and cooperation on this matter.

Thank you.

As of now,

1. There is a very high chance that the Trampoline Park idea will not go through.
2. We are in the mist of looking for an alternative site for our retreat.
3. There is a chance which the retreat will be pushed over to next year.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Ashaway 2015

Dear players,

The dates for Ashaway 2015 has been confirmed.

Registration close on: 21st Nov

Fixture to be released on: 18th Dec

Preliminary to Quater finals: 20th Dec to 23rd Dec

Semi-finals: 29th Dec

Finals: 30th Dec

Registration fee will be: $40 for singles, and $80 for doubles.

Also note that,

For details on registration, please refer to the official website.!registration/c1c9t

For those who are interested, please check with your parents if you will be available on the date of the tournament.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Term 4 training schedule has been partially updated.

Term 4 training schedule has been partially updated.
Please refer to "Term 4 training schedule" for the updated training schedule for term 4.

CCA Stand Down on the 12th Sept for you to prepare for your EOY examination.

There will be no training from this week onward, until all the way to after your EOY examination.

Training will most likely to resume on the 22nd Oct.

I will be updating Term 4 and EOY holiday training schedule once they are ready.

In the meantime, do remember to maintain your physical fitness during the exam period and check our noticeblog weekly for updates. (Especially the ones for our year end retreat).

Study hard! and All the best for your exams!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Our friendly with Evergreen and Year End Retreat

Dear players,

Thank you for all the players who made the effort to attend the holiday training and friendly match with Evergreen that we have arranged for you on the 7th and 8th of Sept.

I really glad that all of you who have attended got to play at least one match.
I was actually a bit worried that some of you may not get the chance to play because we had to share with floor ball.

I hope all of you have enjoyed player with the badminton from Evergreen Secondary.

At the end of the day, we need to remind ourselves that we have arranged this friendly with Evergreen Secondary not to compete and see who is the better school because we already have a tournament for that, and it is called the zonal and nationals.

The purpose of this friendly match is to let you guys to gain more match experience, also to let you understand your play style more and your partner's play style more (for the doubles). Hopefully you guys are more aware of your own's strengths and weaknesses now and can focus on directing your effort into training at the areas you have identified.

For example,

I feel that I have difficulties lasting throughout a match if it drags. 
--> Focus training on stamina (running long distance).

I feel that I kept hitting out of bound, giving precious points to my opponent.
--> Focus training on accurcy (Hitting the shuttle to a target zone)

I feel that I am not able to re-position myself quick enough after returning my shots.
--> Focus training on speed (foot works, 5 shuttle pick!)

Be creative~! 

and Ultimately,
My wish is to let all of you realise that, we are in a competitive sports and by simply coming to training to play is not enough. Do not limit yourself to only the training that we have planned for you.
You will need to plan your time and set up a regular routine to train on your own to achieve that edge over the others school. If not, we are just going to get trashed in the tournament.
I hope that all of you will continue to train hard and even harder from now onward. (both in school and on your own).

and here are some pictures that Miss Quek has taken during the friendly match.

You guys really need to learn to show your appreciation for her more.

Our reliable Bryan and ChengXian tag, starting off their match.

YanLiang performs his umpiring duty with Cedric keeping a tight watch on him.

HengYi and XhiChun tag, showing our friendly gesture after their win.

A'in showing the Evergreens girls what we capable of.


Dinesh, quickly positions himself back to center after returning.


Sabrina and Val tag, getting ready for their match.
*A'in: yes, we can see you

*Lixuan: Don't need to hide, we can see you also. And you are not even suppose to be here! 

Year End Retreat

The CCA calendar for this year is coming to an end and the teachers are looking into planning a year end retreat for you all of you as a reward for your commitment and hard work for the CCA.

Event: CCA retreat
Venue: Tampoline Park @ Jurong
Date: 26th October 2015 (Mondary) <-- First week of holiday
Time: Morning session (To be confirmed)

And also to motivate you guys to study hard for your end of year exam,
We will only be allowing those who have cleared promotion criteria and need not attend bridging to join us for the retreat.

Overall pass

Pass English and 2 more other subjects/ Pass 4 subjects

Pass English and overall average pass.

I hope all of you not only just clear your promotion but do exceeding well for examinations.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Training schedule update

The venue for 20, 21, 27 and 28 August.

It will all be at Yuhua CC.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Training schedule update

The MPH is currently being used for prelim and national exam so we will have to bear with the change in training venue.

13/8 @ Yuhua CC, 2.30 to 5.30pm
14/8 @ Jurong Green CC, 1pm to 3pm

For those who are not sure where Jurong Green CC is, a quick google search should be tell you where it is and how to get there.

Please help to pass the news around so that we all will report to the correct venue at the correct time.

*For the latest training schedule update, please refer to the "page" section.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Update on training schedule

Training schedule been updated.
Please refer to the page section for the updated training schedule.

Change log:
Venue for 30th and 31st July have been confirmed.
It will be at Yuhua CC.

There is a 15 minutes allowance for students who finish their classes at 2.30pm to make their way to the CC.

Also, take note that there will be no training no the 6th of August.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Badminton Teacher Meeting (BTM) update

Dear players,

In case you are wondering why Mr Ng have not been appearing during badminton.
I am currently doing my in-camp training (ICT), some of you may be more familiar with the phrase "re-service". I will finish my ICT at the end of term 3 week 5 and will be back in school in term 3 week 6.

I hope all of you have been doing well and training hard.

Okay, back to the objective of this post.

Badminton teacher hold regular meeting to discuss matters related to our CCA and how to make it better for both the teachers and the players. Let's call this the Badminton Teachers Meeting (BTM).

I would to share with all of you a bit on what was discussed during the last BTM.

Issue raised:
  • Late coming was not been monitored properly and the consequences for late coming have been inconsistent.
Cause of action:

  • Standardization of attendance marking time and consequences for late coming.
  1. Attendance will be marked on during the first 15 minutes of the training.
  2. Player that comes after the 15 minutes mark will have to report to the teacher-in-charge to explain and to have their attendance marked.
  3. Player will have to run 5 rounds around the MPH for every 5 minutes late.

This is the first time time we are sharing with all of you on what was discussed during BTM and so far, this meeting is for teachers only. But what I would love to see one day is that players can also participate in the decision making process that can directly affect the CCA.

For example, captains and vice captains to attend the BTM to act as the voice for all the players in the CCA.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Photos from Wee Kim Wee Badminton Challenge

Here is the final update for this year's Wee Kim Wee Badminton Challenge.

Every year, we try to send in teams for this challenge for our students to allow our players to gain more competition experience.

We played 2 games for this year's challenge.
VS Kranji Team 2 (lost)
VS Dunman High (lost)

We did not win any of the games but I am glad that we all the players got a chance to play in the competition. Except for Marc.

I hope all the players who had participated in the competition managed to learn more about your own strengths and weaknesses and continue to work on them so that you can become a better player.

 Our players making their way to the competition venue (Arena Country Club)

Our players gathering up for a picture before the start of the competition

And thank you Rahul for coming over to show your support for the team!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Term 3 training schedule has been updated

Please refer to the page section for the term 3 training schedule.

Miss Quek

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Reporting time for Wee Kim Wee Challenge 2

Our next match is scheduled to be on 23/06/15 (Tue).

We will be meeting at outside Joo Koon MRT control station, at 7AM.

Our match will officially start at 9AM

We will be playing against either Raffles Institution or Dunman High.

Players who are not involved in the Wee Kim Wee Challenge are welcomed to come and support.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Reporting time for Wee Kim Wee Challenge

To all players who are participating in the Wee Kim Wee Challenge.

We will be meeting outside Joo Koon MRT control station at 1 pm to make our way to Arena Country Club tomorrow.

For those who have arranged your own transportation, please be at the event by 1.30 pm.

As you will be representing the school for this event,
Attendance will be taken.

Note: If you are not able to be present for this event due to various reasons, please have the courtesy to give me a call to inform me personally as soon as possible. Thank you.

Players not involved in the challenge are welcome to come and show your support for the team.
Our first match will be at 3 pm tomorrow, against Kranji Sec Team 2.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Update on Wee Kim Wee

Our first match will be against Kranji Sec Team 2.

Date: 21/6
Day: Sunday
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Arena Country Club

We still got about less than 1 week to prepare for the match.
I hope all of you have been doing your sets and training during the holidays.
If not, its still not too late to start.

We will be meeting at 1 pm at the Arena country club.
It is walk-able from Joon Koon MRT station.

It is advisable that you guys gather at Joon Koon MRT station and walk to the venue for the first day.

(Click to enlarge)

As this is a team event, similar to the zonal, the whole team will need to be present for the match.
Each team is also required to provide 1 empire and 2 line judges.

Please call/text me as soon as possible if you have any question.

*Dinesh, i am still waiting for your call.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Post-Principal Challenge 2015 update

The Principal's Challenge is a SCHOOL EVENT (CCA points!) that is held usually at the end of term 4 and the graduating classes are exempted because their last day of school usually falls on the Friday before the start of end of year examination.

In case you are not aware, it is also a charity event where Yuhua CC will donate a packet of rice to the needy for every student who managed to beat the principal's timing.

But for this year, it was held at the end of term 2 and the whole school was able to participate which is good because that means, CCA points for all who have participated!

During the Principal's Challenge, I see our badminton players gathering to catch up with each other and also to supporting and cheer for each other before, during and even after the challenge. (Shuqun Badminton FTW!)

Also, I'm very glad to see that the graduating members still keeping in touch with current team members.

This is the kind of culture the badminton teachers would like to see.

What it really meant to be in a TEAM.
And not so much as an individual.

Okay, next up are the photos...

I am trying to get the photos that were taken by Media Club and will try again when school reopens.
So, here are the photos that were taken with my phone during the Principal Challenge.

Its kind of funny, when i scroll through the pictures in my phone, and because the pictures were taken in sequence, the pictures almost seems animated. So, why not i try making it move?

And not forgetting the photo with all the trophies and those who have stayed back.

Congratulations to all the winners of the race and also for those who have tried their best for the race!

PS: Correct me if i am wrong, Shuqun Badminton do have a boys team, no?

Monday, 8 June 2015

Update for Wee Kim Wee Challenge 2015

For this year's Wee Kim Wee Challenge,

We manage to register the boys team with the list of name that was submitted to me during the CCA Meeting but the girls team was not registered because the submission was after the deadline and the maximum number of girls teams was reached.

The team manager's meeting for the challenge has been postponed to this Friday.
Therefore, the next update will most likely to be up next Monday.

*Dinesh, will need your help to confirm the players.
(For example, will Kevin be replacing Bradley?)

Please contact me once you are ready with the confirmed player list.

In the meantime, remember to keep yourself fit by doing your sets daily.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

CCA Meeting to replace training for last day of school.

CCA Meeting will be held on the last day of school instead of training because the MPH needs to be prepared for the O'Level Mother Tongue papers.

Agenda of meeting will include:

1. Holiday training.
2. Wee Kim Wee Badminton Tournament.
3. AOB

All Sec 1, 2 and 3 players, are to report to Classroom 4B AVA ROOM for the meeting.
You need not bring your training equipment for the meeting.

Please help to pass the news around.
Thank you.

* The time was left out in the previous post,
The CCA meeting will be held Immediately after school dismissal which is at 11am.

Thank you for highlighting Fiona and Farizah for pointing that out.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Wee Kim Wee Badminton Tournament 2015

This is a TEAM EVENT for school. (similar to zonal).

Registration fee is $50 per team.

And is only open for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Resident.

The tournament will start on the 22nd June 2015 and ends on 28th June 2015 for both boys and girls categories,

Tournament will be held at Arena Country Club (walk-able distance from Joon Koon MRT).

Registration will close on the 2nd June 2015.

For those who are interested, please check if you will be available during the tournament dates before you express your interest on Friday,

More information will be given during this Friday's training.

* On Principal's Challenge: Congratulations to all the players who made it to top 10 of your own category! I will be updating the photos from the principal challenge once they are ready.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Update on Training Schedule (Post Mid Year Examination)

Dear players,

Post Mid-Year Examination training schedule have been updated on the "2015 term 2 training schedule page".

We will resume our training on the 29th May (Fri), last day of school.

There will also be training on the both Thursday and Friday of the first and last week of the June Holidays.


1. Both school term training and holiday training are compulsory for all players.

2. A letter of excuse or a medical certificate is required to be submitted to the teacher-in-charge if you are unable to attend any of the training.

3. And, as part of the competitive team, I expect all of you to have the basic courtesy to give the teacher-in-charge a call/ text in advance to explain your situation if you are unable to attend any of the training that is being planned for you.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Lost & Found

A watch has been found after Thursday's training.

Please come and look for me or Mdm Rafilah if you have lost your watch.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Update on Record feature under the "page' section

Thank you all for the feedback on the new record feature.

The record feature is something new that we are trying out.

Change log:

- To keep record of the best timing clocked for ALL TIME.

- To keep record of the best timing clocked for the SEMESTER.
- This record will reset on the Friday of every first week of each semester.

I have yet to conduct any challenge since the trial run and I am hopeful that I will be able to conduct some challenges this week.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Training schedule have been updated and Addition of "Records" under the the page section

1. The training schedule have been updated all the way until week 7, which is our CCA stand down for Mid-Year Examination.

2. In view of the extended physical training in our training.
I have added two new page titled "Records - Boys Team" & "Records - Girls Team" to keep track of our record holders for some of the activities that we do during our training.

This will also act as a platform to motivate the team to do their best during training to "Challenge" or "Break" the record of the existing record holders.

Joshua and A'in had kindly volunteered for the trial run and their timing have been recorded.


I will now lay down the conditions for a challenge to be valid.

Condition for a valid challenge:

1. At least one teacher must be present to witness the activity being carried out for the challenge to be valid.

2. The teacher(s) witnessing the challenge has the right to void the challenge if the activity carried out did not meet the requirement.

3. A Challenge can only take place outside of training timing.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Changes of plan for 2nd April (Thu)

*Please ignore the post for CCA Meeting.

For 2nd April,

Secondary 1, 2 and 3 will report at Yuhua Community Centre, 3pm to 6pm for Training

Secondary 4 and 5 will report at outside Cabin for 2.30pm to 3pm for Step Down Lunch.

Friday, 27 March 2015

CCA Meeting

CCA Meeting will be held instead of training for next Thursday.

CCA Meeting will be held on the 2nd April 2015, Thursday, 1430 - 1530, @ outside cabin.

The location is tenative and will be confirmed at a later date.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Term 2 training schedule is UP.

Term 2 training schedule is up under the "page" section.

Please refer to the "term 2 training schedule" page for the latest update on the training schedule.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

No Training for the March Holidays.

There will be no training for the March Holidays.

Training will resume in Term 2 Week 1.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Badminton CCA Photo

A Formal CCA photo is taken once every year to serve as a memorabilia for all the players.

This event also marks the nearing of the CCA stand down for our graduating players.

The photo will be presented in this order;

1. All division and gender.

2. B boys

3. B girls

4. C boys

5. C girls

Badminton CCA Photo 2015 (ALL)

Badminton CCA Photo 2015 (B' boys)

Badminton CCA Photo 2015 (B' girls)

Badminton CCA Photo 2015 (C' boys)

Badminton CCA Photo 2015 (C' girls)

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Update in training schedule for week 8, 9 and 10

Dear players,

There will be some changes to the training timing for week 8 and 9 due to Common Test.

As for week 10,
Thursday's training will be cancelled due to Sec4/5 Parent Teacher Meeting
As for Friday's training, we will be using it for our CCA stand down ceremony.

Please refer to the '2015 term 1 training schedule' under the 'page' section for the details.

Monday, 23 February 2015

CCA Phototaking on 5th March 2014 (Thu)

We will be having our CCA photo shoot on the 5th of March.

It will happen during training. 2.30pm.

The photo will be taking in this order.

1. B' and C' Division Boys and Girls

2. B' Division Boys

3. B' Division Girls

4. C' Division Boys

5. C' Division Girls

Attire: Year 2015's CCA T-shirt.

I will appreciate that we all move fast to the photo taking location when your division is being called.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

B' boys - Round 2 update

The B' boys will be starting their round 2 this Friday (13th Feb).

The time for the game will be the same as of round 1.

We will gather at the canteen at 1pm and leave at 1.30pm for the venue.

I will be giving out the excuse slip once the venue is confirmed.