I believe it had been an eventful year for all of us, both the teachers and the students.
First, I would like to say farewell to our graduating players;
Sandy, Lea, Samantha, Puala, Li Xuan, Qian Xiu, Xiang Min, Ponni, Tanish, Xavier, Joshua, Evans, Rhui Qing, Sam, Wen Zhong, Cheng Yang, Zhi Wei, Jian Kai, Heng Yi, Matthias and Lu Tong.
Thank you for your contributions to the team.
Second, I would like to say welcome again to our new players who have joined our team this year;
Fiona, Siti, Nevin, Zhong Soon, Maisarah, Amiratul, Cidrick, Bryan, Dharshak, Zuriel, Manying, Fitri, Qing Li, Ke Xin, Zoey, Cheng Xian, Marc, Yan Liang, Jiet Yi.
Thank you for choosing Badminton as your CCA.
Third, I would like to give my recognition to our existing players;
Pui Woon, Sabrina, Jason, Yi Sheng, Wei Wen, Bradley, Val, Nisha, Xhi Chun, Si Ying, Ching Han, Dinesh, Yixin, Wendy, Joshua Teng, Martin, Elaine, 'Ain, Shao Xian, Kevin and Rahul.
Thank you for staying with the team.
And yes, Vishnu, If you are reading this, We all miss you. Do send us a post card to update us on how you are doing ok?
Forth, I would like to thank the teachers and coaches for administering the CCA and training of our players.
Mdm Rafilah, Ms Quek, Mrs Yeo, Mr Phua,
Coach Welly, Coach Zhi Cay, Coach Bryan, Coach Dini
Thank you for all the time and effort that all of you have put into the team to it a better team.
Fifth, I would like to recap on the events for year 2015.
For our CCA,
We had our first CCA photo shoot.

For competition,
We had the West Zone Inter-school Championship, Wee Kim Wee Badminton Challenge and Ashaway Badminton Youth Games.
For friendly matches,
We had with Evergreen Sec, St. Gabriel Sec (Away) and St. Gabriel Sec (Home)
For school events,
We had the CCA Fair, Principal challenge, Sports carnival and Open house.
Sixth, I would like to update on some of the events that is going to happen in the Semester 1 Term 1 of Year 2016.
Looking forward, upcoming events will include,
- CCA Banner ~new!
- CCA Fair
- Secondary 1 Orientation Programme ~new!
- Badminton T-shirt for Year 2016
- Preparation for West Zone Inter-school Badminton Championship
- West Zone Inter-school Badminton Championship
Lastly, I would like to share with all of you about my thoughts on Training.
Having been to a number of competitions and also umpired for quite a number of matches, I have seen my fair share of badminton players.
From going to competition,
I notice that schools like River Valley, Commonwealth, Kranji and Nanyang Girls, all have one thing in common and that is they never fails to end up the top 4 of the west zone.
And from umpiring their matches,
I notice that their players almost always beat their opponent from other school with ease.
I know that it is definitely not the case of their players having an unfair advantage because I was the umpire for the match. I did the shuttle toss myself, both players started off with a zero score.
After a while, I figure that it actually boils down to training.
It is the type of training that the player subject him/ herself to that have created the gap, be it the in of mental focus or physical endurance.
It is the type of training that a player subject him/ herself to.
Therefore, as a competitive team player, we must take our training seriously.
Therefore, for next year,
You are going to try your best to attend every training that is being planned you.
You are going to train more at on your own at home.
You are going to take your training more seriously!
Happy New Year and I will all of you back in school on the 4th of January 2016.